Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Time Line

Just thought I'd add a time stamp here. All these little amigurumi toys and dolls that I've posted today were made in February '06. My hubby is the digital camera tinkler, so I wait for him to set up a few shots for my archive folder of completed art projects. Now that I've started this blog, he may change the set-up for my toys' portraits...

Bears 4 Fun

This cute little book has a great pattern for little bears wearing frog hats. It just so happened that I made my four masked krewe during Mardi Gras season; coincidence?

Hello Kitty OOP book

This is a great find. I had to poke around eBay for this one. I managed to get it for a steal! This one is packed with cute little dolls. One thing about Hello Kitty; once you make her, she's easy to repeat. The accessories to design for her are unlimited!

Hello Kitty for Rowena

While I was making a gift to send off to Daniel, I had to make and send something to his girlfriend, Rowena, as well. Both of them attend the same college and they are a "package deal". Rowena likes Hello Kitty and I found an out of print book with Hello Kitty amigurumi charts. These little critters are just 'her'.

Daniel Bunny

I just HAD to make this amigurumi bunny! As soon as I saw it, I had to start it. It just looks so much like my son, Daniel. He's living on the university campus and I thought this little bunny would be a fun way to remind him of home away from home and to remind him of what a nut his mother is.

Amigurumi Collections Add-Ons

These are the third and fourth volumes of the amigurumi collections books. They inspired my next set of amigurumi gift giving/making spree!

For the True Cat Soul

I also made my mom a serious amigurumi gift, a Kitty Cat. She is a cat lover and has put that love to practice by tending for several of her own, a few of mine, and a few little felines that have adopted her. For her effort and continuous love of cats, I made this little doll for her.

The Black Sheep Gift

While I was in an amigurumi gift giving/making mode, I crocheted this "Black Sheep" for my mom. She just recently went through a realization that her immediate family is, well, let's just say: they aren't much of a 'family model'. We've dubbed her "The Black Sheep" of her family, as is my husband; the "Black Sheep" of his, so they are in good company. ;)
My mom got a great laugh out of this one, as it's truly 'her', right down to the blue eyes.

My Amigurumi Dog

Within one of the amigurumi books, is a pattern that I adapted to look like my Jack Russell Terrier, Mr. MacKenzie. I made this little creature then bought a little personalized dog tag at the neighborhood pet store to add as a special feature. I created this as a gift for my dad. He loves my little dog and he now has a little replica of Kenzie!

Beginning Book Collection

These are the first two amigurumi books that I found after searching the internet for amigurumi charts and patterns. Both of these are examples of great collections of toys and dolls available in one volume.

Monchichi Monkey

I went on to crochet this little monkey, as requested by my husband, who wanted a little monchichi representation of me. I changed jumper a little to give her a little frilly bib and not just pants. I also added some cute little buttons to her to give her more pizzazz than the one in the pattern book. This was a fun doll to work.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Making 3-D Critters

My first 3-D critter was the thread bear that appears on my main blog. My first amigurumi animal was this rabbit. I had a great time making it and it just turned out so cute. I used sport weight yarns and basic black plastic eyes with washers. I had to learn to interpret a lot of Japanese characters while reading the charts and tables in the amigurumi books. Once I figured out some of the consistent writings, I learned what each written character means. This is the first amigurumi; a rabbit. (shown with the soda can for size reference)